
Showing posts from October, 2017

White Balance

White balance  basically means  colour balance . It is a function which gives the camera a reference to "true white" it tells the camera what the colour white looks like, so the camera will record it correctly. Since white light is the sum of all other colours, the camera will then display all colours correctly.Wehn filming at different times the light often changes,we may not see it but the cameras defiantly pick it up and so when filming if you manually correct the white balance it will allow all the video clips to be seen in similar lighting and  the sunlight won't effect it. You should perform this procedure at the beginning of every shoot, and every time the lighting conditions change. IYou will need a camera with a manual white-balance function. There should be a "white balance" button or switch on your camera. If your camera has a filter wheel (or if you use add-on filters), make sure you are using the correct filter for the  lighting condition


An audience is a Group of Mass or Niche people who consume any media text such as Radio and music listeners,television viewers and web traffic on websites. An audience is important as they are the viewers and the clients of the media text and they can give the money to break-even and create profit.New technology now makes it easier for people to access the media they want and when they want,this increase in technology also means less people buy physical copies of films or the news as they can easily access it from the smartphones or smart Tv. there are two main types of audiences the mass audience and niche audience.The mass audience are a large group of people all attracted to the same thing for a large variety of reasons whereas a niche audience is based around specific attractions to the media text such as a a specific genre like gardening or cricket. An audience can also be split into two main systems for categorising,Psychographics and Demographics,A psychographic is definin

The 360fly

Everyday technology grows. Smartphones become smarter and each generation of people become more equipped with technology revolving around their lives since their born. Now in the year 2017 and the amazing uses of technology are incredible. We have cars that can drive themselves, smartphones that have unlimited Wifi wherever you are and even virtual reality. The 360fly is a camera which shoots in 360 degrees in panoramic 4k video. It's faceted, spherical casing allows it to be easily transported from place to place with ease this is also easier due to the size. Being attached to a helmet, drone or car the different shoots you can get is endless.The 360fly even has Wifi and Bluetooth connectivity which makes it extremely easy to save your film clips and easily upload them to Youtube or onto Facebook for people to view. The 360 degrees also allow you to transfer the clips into a virtual reality headset! As well as shooting in 360 degrees the camera can also shoot in 240 degrees f

Feedback review on Foley's Sound on Psycho Shower Scene

During our theory lessons we had been taught about Foley sound. Foley's sound is sounds created by objects and added in post production.We had to watched the shower scene from psycho without audio and then had to re-create the noises with a range of objects that we were given.We filmed and edited the sounds and today we screened Jess and I's production.The class then were to write feedback with two 'what went wells' and one 'even better if'. Overall I believe that our audio was great and was well synched up and created a realistic effect.I think that we could've improved on making the stabbing louder so we could hear it more. But the shower curtain and footsteps I thought were great. We should've toned down the shower sounds as it did sound extremely loud and less realistic because of this. If we were given this task again I believe we should make a different sound for the stabbing as it was hard to hear and so it wasn't amplified as well as we or


This is the Gif we made in our lesson.We had to make our own film company and make a gif to go with it.

Soundtrack Analysis-Now you see me 2- Stealing the micro chip

Music in a film scene really helps to create the mood. In Now you see me 2 when the group has to steal the microchip it becomes very tense and the music really helps project that. At the start of the  scene the music is very quiet this is because it is the introduction of their task and they aren't in much danger. However as the scene progresses the action because more  worrying to an audience and so the music increases to help the audience feel involved. The tempo of the music fastens as the chip is flicked and thrown around between the Horsemen. This is a scary scene as the guards could easily see the card at any point. This does nearly happen nearer the end when Atlas is cornered because the general believed he saw Atlas with the important micro-chip. The music stops completely as we all concentrate on the scene in hand and we are worried about Atlas getting caught. There are a lot of ambience sounds which we hear all throughout the scenes such as when Jack goes to steal the

carousel week 4-Photography

evidence secondary and primary research My Secondary evidence was that we learnt about the camera and how it works as a Digital,Single Lens,Reflex camera.This wasn't new to me and I knew a bit of it before but it was nice to have it refreshed.We were taught about the shutter speed and how speeding it up would capture a sharp image of someone moving,as well as putting the speed on slower the moving image would become more blurred as the speed of the shutter was delayed. Another Secondary evidence was we were also taught about the aperture of the camera. Like the shutter speed we were first taught how it works,with learning how the light that is let through the camera effects the focus on the foreground or background.I really enjoyed this as i hadn't learnt about this before. The primary evidence that we had was we were allowed to go out around the college and take photos whilst changing the shutter speed and the aperture.This was great as we got to experiment the differe

Asessment-Final evaluation

carousel week 3-Media Production

 live editing suite Actors on set view from camera A2- Primary and Secondary Research This week for our carousel we were in Media and we had to produce an advert for the Bic four colours biro. To start of we were spilt into four different groups to come up with our advert ideas and add in details about lighting, cameras and music we could use. My group came up with an advert about a school's media lesson setting with 4 main characters each wanting the pen for a different reason one for marking; drawing, writing and underlining. Each person would also use a different colour of the pen, either red, blue, black or green and we would have each person have a different method on gaining the pen. One would crawling between the desks and another would distract the someone using it. We then were required to pitch our ideas to the whole group before voting on who's idea was best. The result was a draw and so was decided on the toss of a coin. We ended up producing

Foley's Sound Editing Review

Today we were given the task to edit our Foley's sound recordings, that we filmed a couple of weeks ago, into the muted shower scene from Pyscho. We had used a Cue sheet when recording to know which sounds were to be made and with what objects out of the ones given. This was so we could keep track on what was recorded and what wasn’t. The cue sheet made the task a lot easier as we made a list before starting to record so we knew what sounds we were going to recreate and with what objects. Foley’s sound is the recreation of everyday sounds that you would usually hear in a film. These can range from something simple like footsteps to something much bigger such as a thunderstorm. Foley’s sound is most commonly used to enhance the audio in a video; also, if the audio doesn’t come out well it is most often used then. Hollywood is well-known in using Foley’s sound a lot whilst creating their audio especially waves and the crashing sea. When we used Foley sounds we recreated doors

Title : Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods

Title : Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods 1st. Formulate your question: Look below at what you  are you being asked to evaluate. Unit 1 U1.2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production. Note Critically is similar to compare but concentrate on the things that are different with two or more methods used or what sets them apart. Point out any differences which are particularly significant. In your own words say what U1.2.1 is asking you to do. Answer: critically compare a range of different media products. 2nd. Gather your information: What have you been doing that you can evaluate On your blog you now have two weeks detailing classes in The Carousel and professional ways to use tools, skills, processes.  If you have details of these you have done this point just add the links below. Blog link to last week: Answer: