Soundtrack Analysis-Now you see me 2- Stealing the micro chip

Music in a film scene really helps to create the mood. In Now you see me 2 when the group has to steal the microchip it becomes very tense and the music really helps project that. At the start of the  scene the music is very quiet this is because it is the introduction of their task and they aren't in much danger. However as the scene progresses the action because more  worrying to an audience and so the music increases to help the audience feel involved. The tempo of the music fastens as the chip is flicked and thrown around between the Horsemen. This is a scary scene as the guards could easily see the card at any point. This does nearly happen nearer the end when Atlas is cornered because the general believed he saw Atlas with the important micro-chip. The music stops completely as we all concentrate on the scene in hand and we are worried about Atlas getting caught.

There are a lot of ambience sounds which we hear all throughout the scenes such as when Jack goes to steal the chip from the machine. We hear him sliding under the machine and all the noises jack can hear are amplified. This makes the audience feel involved with what jack is doing because we can hear everything he can. Some of the noises that are amplified are when jack twists the hair clip to unlock the machine. This is used to start of the tension which will continue throughout the rest of the scene. It is extremely tense as we don't know how fast Jack will be able to get the chip out and how well the other three will be able to distract the guards for the right amount of time, so jack can get back into has original position. A sound bridge is used in this small section as we can hear the other characters whilst focusing on Jack. This makes the scene more realistic because Jack would be able to hear them talking and having the talking there also reassures the audience that everything is alright. This also helps the flow of the scene as it is a sound bridge and is a clear use of continuity editing and so most people don't notice the editing taking place. This also happens when we hear the characters walking around the room when they are being searched.

The dialogue really helps the anecdote make sense. In this scene there are two distinct languages.English and Chinese. This language barrier gives a sense of separation as the film is English and so many of the characters and audience will speak English. We can understand the Horseman but not the guards. However this does give the audience a feel of involvement a the Horseman too do not understand what the guards are saying. We even hear Lula saying 'I don't speak the language' to the guard searching her in the background of the scene.

There are not many sound effects in this scene as they are all everyday sounds and dialogue. However we do hear the sound of the card when it moves. This is hyper real to intensify the importance of the card. This is also amplified when Atlas has the card in his sleeve and the card moves down his arm whilst the guard pats him down, we hear the movement of both the card and his shirt.


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