Feedback review on Foley's Sound on Psycho Shower Scene

During our theory lessons we had been taught about Foley sound. Foley's sound is sounds created by objects and added in post production.We had to watched the shower scene from psycho without audio and then had to re-create the noises with a range of objects that we were given.We filmed and edited the sounds and today we screened Jess and I's production.The class then were to write feedback with two 'what went wells' and one 'even better if'.

Overall I believe that our audio was great and was well synched up and created a realistic effect.I think that we could've improved on making the stabbing louder so we could hear it more. But the shower curtain and footsteps I thought were great. We should've toned down the shower sounds as it did sound extremely loud and less realistic because of this. If we were given this task again I believe we should make a different sound for the stabbing as it was hard to hear and so it wasn't amplified as well as we originally hoped.

As for the Editing,I learnt new skills such as how to fade the sound down. Mine and Jess's editing went well as we didn't need too much help and we easily placed and trimmed the clips into the correct positions to sync the video and audio together. However like before we could've easily toned down the shower noises so they didn't sound as sharp and brittle. We  decided to add in some tense music to help create the atmosphere of the clip, and to bring the scene together otherwise it sounded rather dull and people who have never seen the scene before might not know it was horror if we didn't have the scary music running through the background.

My classes reviews were that music we had throughout the film clip really helped with the mood and atmosphere and that the overall sounds were well synched up with the clip itself which made it more realistic.However despite these positives we were given some improvements to consider.One main improvement that came up a lot was to have the shower continue throughout the scene including the section in which the women gets stabbed.I agree with this however if we had the shower running through the section we would be unable to hear the stabbing taking place.


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