Title : Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods

Title : Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods
1st. Formulate your question:
Look below at what you  are you being asked to evaluate.
Unit 1
U1.2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production.
Note Critically is similar to compare but concentrate on the things that are different with two or more methods used or what sets them apart. Point out any differences which are particularly significant.

In your own words say what U1.2.1 is asking you to do.
critically compare a range of different media products.

2nd. Gather your information:
What have you been doing that you can evaluate
On your blog you now have two weeks detailing classes in The Carousel and professional ways to use tools, skills, processes.  If you have details of these you have done this point just add the links below.

Blog link to last week:
Answer: https://l3mediameganh.blogspot.co.uk/2017/09/carousel-week-1-art-and-design.html
Blog link to this week:

3rd. Apply the information
How well have you done in the sessions?

Ask yourself:
Which skills, Processes and Methods or tools you enjoyed the most?
I think I have done well in my sessions so far in the carousel.My Art and Design work didn't go partially well as I am not a strong drawer and so the work I wanted to make with the Biro and finer liners didn't work out as well as i would like,however I did learn some new skills that I will be able to use if I decide to draw in the future;such as how to hold the tool I'm drawing with and to make long stocks not short and blunt stocks to make the image look more alive and active.
Which of the things you have been shown could you demonstrate to another person?
I think I would be able to demonstrate how to simply use a sewing machine.As it was my first time I wouldn't be able to go into immense detail but I would be able to show how to use a sewing machine to sew a simple pattern.
  • Which of the things you have been shown do you need more practice with?
So far in the carousel I think I could have some more practice on drawing backwards and drawing in general,my backwards work didn't work the best and so if I could practice more on my backwards writing.I believe I could also work on my mono-printing.In our session I didn't have very long to try and perfect my work so it didn't come out as neatly and delicate as I would prefer and instead it printed rougher.

4th. Consider the implications
If you were asked by a professional to use some of the tools, skills, processes how well would you do?
I believe that I would confidently be able to use most tools I have used this week and I would be able to make a simple running stitch on the hand embroidery and possibly a wobbly design on the free hand machine sewing as I haven't got a very steady hand.I think however I will fail to do my skethes very well as said before I struggle with drawing but I would defiantly try my best and make sure it's the best work I can do in the given amount of time.

5. Explore other points of view
Have you considered feedback from teachers and Peers as to how well you did in the session, if so what feedback have you had?
Whilst doing my fabric printing I use my imagination a lot and the outcome of my design was as I hope and I received feedback from a few peers saying that they liked my T-shirt design.I also did get feedback from the art tutor on how to improve my sketching by the way I hold my pencil and how large or small to make my strokes as it effects the way the image looks,whether it's dull or exciting.


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