Film Genre

The Hunted film that we are going to be producing is going to be a Horror film.Other films that have the same genre as ours is IT,The Ring,and Happy Death Day.

Horror films all have many similarities to create the scary,and tense emotions to appeal to the audience watching.If it isn't scary then it won't be popular.

In a horror film you always have a protagonist.In IT this is the clown,Pennywise,he is a murderer which is also very similar to our interactive film as we are going to be having a murderer as the protagonist,however instead of them being a clown we are having them as unknown as the film will be in first person from the murderers point of view.
As well as a protagonist we also have the antagonist,they're not the hero in the film as they don't survive,which is controversial because most protagonist is the hero and they mostly always survive.
It's also very different because there are three main characters all with their own separate story linking in with The Hunted.

The stories events are similar to that of many horrors with a  murderer trying to kill someone.


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Interactive Film -The Hunted