carousel week 4-Photography


secondary and primary research

My Secondary evidence was that we learnt about the camera and how it works as a Digital,Single Lens,Reflex camera.This wasn't new to me and I knew a bit of it before but it was nice to have it refreshed.We were taught about the shutter speed and how speeding it up would capture a sharp image of someone moving,as well as putting the speed on slower the moving image would become more blurred as the speed of the shutter was delayed.

Another Secondary evidence was we were also taught about the aperture of the camera. Like the shutter speed we were first taught how it works,with learning how the light that is let through the camera effects the focus on the foreground or background.I really enjoyed this as i hadn't learnt about this before.

The primary evidence that we had was we were allowed to go out around the college and take photos whilst changing the shutter speed and the aperture.This was great as we got to experiment the different settings and see the outcome straight away.I really enjoyed this as i already love photography and learning about some new skills really helped and let me create  some great photos as seen above in the evidence.

processes and methods

One of the processes that we had was we adjust the shutter speed and the aperture.
First we had to make sure we had our camera on the right setting.we had to twist the mode dial in order to take certain shutter speed and aperture photos.With the main command dial we were able to change the shutter speed from 15/1s to 1000/1s which would give a different effect on the images the higher the number the fastened sharper the photo is taken whereas the lower number would make an image more blurred as the delay of the shutter isn't as fast.In some cases this can make a really clever effect.Unlike the aperture the lower the number the less light is let through making the foreground clear and the background blurry and with more light coming through on a higher number the whole image is in focus.

skills learnt

The skills i have learnt this week are how to change the aperture and the shutter speed on a camera and how the different settings can change an image drastically.

tools used

The tools i have used is a Nikon D3000 DSLR.Along with some leaves on the ground to create the images.


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