Foley's Sound Editing Review

Today we were given the task to edit our Foley's sound recordings, that we filmed a couple of weeks ago, into the muted shower scene from Pyscho. We had used a Cue sheet when recording to know which sounds were to be made and with what objects out of the ones given. This was so we could keep track on what was recorded and what wasn’t. The cue sheet made the task a lot easier as we made a list before starting to record so we knew what sounds we were going to recreate and with what objects.
Foley’s sound is the recreation of everyday sounds that you would usually hear in a film. These can range from something simple like footsteps to something much bigger such as a thunderstorm. Foley’s sound is most commonly used to enhance the audio in a video; also, if the audio doesn’t come out well it is most often used then. Hollywood is well-known in using Foley’s sound a lot whilst creating their audio especially waves and the crashing sea. When we used Foley sounds we recreated doors closing, someone walking, shower curtain closing and most importantly the water from the shower falling. Most of our sounds came out well such as the rice that we used to recreate the water was effective and we could layer it above the recreation of someone humming and singing in the shower which we thought we saw in the muted scene. One sound that didn’t particularly go as planned was the sound effect of someone getting stabbed. To try recreating this sound, we used a cabbage and a knife the sound came out blunt and sounded more of someone getting punched than stabbed.
If the sound effects that we recorded weren’t good enough we were allowed to get them off the internet this is called Found content. When using found content we have to be careful about plagiarism, professionals have to be extremely cautious as it could make or break their career and so they have to credit the owners work when they use it.

We used Adobe Premier Pro to edit our sound recordings and put them onto the scene, We used a website called to download the clip from Youtube. We went through all our recordings and we decided which sounds were the best to use. We did this easily and got on with editing. I think my group all had a good range of knowledge in using premier pro and so we didn’t struggle with any of the editing but we could easily have the additional help in enhancing some of the volume and help with the synchronization of the sound to the clip but other than that so far it has all gone well.
My group have edited around half of the video clip so far and so we  just have to complete the editing and we have also decided we are going to had in some tense music to add to the tension in the scene.



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