
Showing posts from September, 2017

Carousel-week 2 Fashion

A1-Evidence Design at the end of the first day. Swatches we made (Above before heat press) Appliques made with Bondaweb A2-Primary and Secondary research We had a lot of primary evidence, this is because Fashion is a very hands on and so we were allowed to use a sewing machine and iron to help create our designs. We made Appliques using Bondawebs. We were first taught everything and then we were allowed to pick our own small image and make the applique. This week for the carousel we went to the fashion department to design an imaginary TV's Crew t-shirt for them to wear. We used disperse dyes to create said designs. These dyes began as powder until water is added. Each dye came out as an earthy colour and so at first we didn't know what colour was which. So to begin with we had to make swatches so that we would know what the colours would come out as after being heated in the heat press that heated up to 180 degrees! This is secondary research as we

Wave Over Rocks Gif

This is a gif that I made in a photoshop lesson today.

The Olympus OM-1

The Olympus Om-1 is a film SLR (single les reflex) camera. This means when taking a photo the camera reflects light that enters through the lens using a mirror so that an image can be seen in the viewfinder. A film camera like the Olympus uses a film made of plastic, gelatine and other materials to record the images. This camera can be easily brought on Ebay from £100.00 to £160.00. The Olympus OM-1  has a 35mm single lens and weighs 510g. the shutter speed range is 1s-1/1000. The OM-1 was first produced in 1972. The Olympus OM-1 would be great for me as a media student as it will help we learn how to manually focus a camera rather than not having to in DSLRs. Having this manual focus will also help we concentrate more on the shot I'm taking as I have to be more attentive when filming on this camera because if I have a moving subject I will need to move the camera as well as keeping it all in focus as it is not digital.

Technical,Audio and visual codes

In the making of a film a lot of time and effort goes into getting the correct shot and making the effects and sounds as authentic as possible especially in a fantasy film. The Harry Potter franchise are some of these. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (directed by David Yates) we see the Wizarding War take place. In this scene a lot of different and difficult visual effects are used. In the Harry Potter films, visual effects are crucial in making ghosts, spells and magical creatures believable. The purpose behind having good visual codes is so the film is realistic, appealing and enjoyable to watch; because no one wants to watch a film were you can clearly tell it's green-screened and effects are terrible. Voldemort before special effects Some of the visual codes we see in Deathly Hallows is the rubble and broken building pieces on the ground, this rubble all looks realistic but it is in fact Styrofoam so that actors and stunt-doubles don't get injured wh

Carousel week 1-Art and Design

A1-Eviden ce        pencil drawing  broad fine liner and water sharpie and fine liner   2A Research: Primary and Secondary Research Throughout this week we have been investigating Foley's sound. Foley's sound is the music and noises added during the editing of a product. Foley's Sound is extremely famous in Hollywood in which they are tremendously creative in making the noises and sounds used throughout a film; They use everyday objects such as rice to make the noise of rain. To practise making our own Foley sounds we watched the popular shower scene in psycho however this scene was muted and so we had to carefully watch for any actions that would usually make a noise. We wrote a cue sheet and listed all the sounds we could think of. Then we had to decide how we would recreate each of these sounds. We used rice and running water to recreate the nose of the shower and in the scene the women actually scraped her hand against the back wal