The Olympus OM-1

The Olympus Om-1 is a film SLR (single les reflex) camera.
This means when taking a photo the camera reflects light that enters through the lens using a mirror so that an image can be seen in the viewfinder. A film camera like the Olympus uses a film made of plastic, gelatine and other materials to record the images.

This camera can be easily brought on Ebay from £100.00 to £160.00.
The Olympus OM-1  has a 35mm single lens and weighs 510g. the shutter speed range is 1s-1/1000.
The OM-1 was first produced in 1972.

The Olympus OM-1 would be great for me as a media student as it will help we learn how to manually focus a camera rather than not having to in DSLRs. Having this manual focus will also help we concentrate more on the shot I'm taking as I have to be more attentive when filming on this camera because if I have a moving subject I will need to move the camera as well as keeping it all in focus as it is not digital.


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