Interactive Book -House of Danger by R.A.Montgomery

An interactive book gives the reader a unique way to feel involved with the anecdote.In this case the book we review had 20 different ending which makes it an enjoyable book and gives un endless possibilities for how the story unfolds.

The House of Danger is set with a detective who receives a phone call from an anonymous person who we soon discover is Henry Marsden,is in danger.However when choosing certain options we find the man is a ghost and the house (prison) is haunted with holograms of gorillas to keep people away from said house.

Our first option we chose was to either go straight away to the address given over the phone call or we could wait for our friend. We chose wait for friends as one,we were told it would be their first and also we thought having back-up would be the best option.However i think that the Author decided that this is the option they wanted us to pick as it seems more reasonable,furthermore if we chose to go solo then it may have been a dangerous mission especially going into the unknown and we were also told that the 'but you known it might be dangerous to start off alone' this supports the idea that the author wanted use to go with our friends as they mention how dangerous it could be.This is psychologically  making us decide to wait for our friends as we,ourselves would want to go with friends and the author indirectly leads us to go that way.

Another example of an interactive media is an app called Choices.You are given a series of different stories from fantasy,romance and contemporary.Each story you create your own character and then you are given a series of choices to influence the story and how the story will end.This can be from wearing a specific type of clothing or reacting a certain way to an outcome.
This interactive game has endless possibilities however because we as the audience are picking the story we aren't fully learning about the characters development.Not all are superficial but most do have similar outcomes with each option.

I believe that there is enough choices to have a complete narrative which makes sense with equilibriums and disequilibriums. Both depend on your choices but they do allow the anecdote to unfold before you have to pick another direction.


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