
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Hunted Interactive film website

The Hunted Interactive film website. On our website we have decided to go for the colour scheme of Blue and white. This is because they both work well together to create a professional look.This is much like facebook's colours which represent professionalism but also interactivity and entertaining.These are all element we want to show in our website. The first thing the audience will see on our website is the pop up video which will include the video itself,however whilst we edit our footage we will also make a quick trailer to show there instead.There is a close option so that if they don't want to watch the video they can easily close it and later on watch it by clicking on the the trailer tab on the top bar. However compared to The Darkest Hour website they have made their homepage a lot simpler whilst still showing all the information required.They have opted for a moving background which really helps to engage the audience and I think if we coul

The Book Thief Soundtrack Report

task 4- Social website campaign- Site Map

For our film the Hunted,we have been given the task of creating a website to help promote our TV Production.As we have three people in our group we separated the three tasks,the SEO,Website builder and making the Site Map. I took charge of making the Site map and had to come up with all the pages we would include on our Website and what pages will link into each other. I decided to link the gallery and behind the scenes together as both will include videos of behind the scenes. On the trailer page we decided to have the link to our youtube as well as having it pop up when the audience will first click onto our website. This gives them the chance to either watch the trailer straight away or look at it later on (there's an exit button) I then worked with James who was building the website to create our website and make it look professional and appeal to our audience.I shared with him the site map to make sure we put in the correct links and pages for our website.After this

Interactive Book -House of Danger by R.A.Montgomery

An interactive book gives the reader a unique way to feel involved with the anecdote.In this case the book we review had 20 different ending which makes it an enjoyable book and gives un endless possibilities for how the story unfolds. The House of Danger is set with a detective who receives a phone call from an anonymous person who we soon discover is Henry Marsden,is in danger.However when choosing certain options we find the man is a ghost and the house (prison) is haunted with holograms of gorillas to keep people away from said house. Our first option we chose was to either go straight away to the address given over the phone call or we could wait for our friend. We chose wait for friends as one,we were told it would be their first and also we thought having back-up would be the best option.However i think that the Author decided that this is the option they wanted us to pick as it seems more reasonable,furthermore if we chose to go solo then it may have been a dangerous missio